Soon lots of new tools available for download on like:
ReportServers create fully automatically (also by scheduled task) pdf documentation of objects in Active Directory or based on a supplied list.
UsageInventory creates a report of programs that are started on a computer, how ofter, location and manufacturer info is also listed. This can be a powerfull addition to installed program information, because you now also know if programs are still used.
RDSSessionManager must have tool is you use RDS/TS/Citrix in a farm environment, or just for single systems. Complete session management in a fast, powerfull interface
AccountLockout must have tool to unlock useraccounts, change passwords and see which device is the culprit, including the location of the device that was responsible for the lockout of the account
ResetComputerAccount must have tool to repair without reboot secure channel problems causing kerberos validation problems and GPO settings not applying